With over 30 years in supporting building services, Asset Surveyor Co.UK has adapted with the ever changing market. As part of this we recognise that trusts like to partner or outsource for its project needs. As many have inherited buildings and responsibilities they may have not originally been setup for. We recognise you don’t need many of these resources all year round, but in a project arena may be required in school holidays. Where we understand not only working in an education environment and stakeholder requirements. But also the time restraints, importance of communication and finding solutions to sometimes complex issues.
AssetSurveyor.Co.UK is here to support the needs of your school(s) and work towards long-term partnerships and support. Not only being able to deliver existing projects, but create, manage budgets and prioritise through our Asset Management Strategies.
We are committed to making your school(s) the best they can be and even if you are not sure which contractor to use or don’t have trusted and tested contractors. We have an extensive existing contractor base we work closely with across many contracts and industries. We can provide project and maintenance support from start to finish.